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Customer Success Team Charter


Additional Resources

Customer Success Videos

Top CUSTOMER SUCCESS KPIs for Managing CSM Teams

How can Customer Success KPIs be used to track and measure the team's performance and efficacy of the customer success program? Watch this video!

Forming an Award Winning Customer Success team!

Would you like to know what it took to build an award-winning team from scratch? Watch this video!

A customer success team charter is a document that outlines the purpose, goals, and objectives of a customer success team. It serves as a roadmap for the team and helps to define their roles and responsibilities. However, customer success executives may face challenges when defining a team charter, including:
  • Ensuring buy-in and commitment from team members: It is important for all team members to be fully committed to and invested in the team charter. This can be a challenge if some team members are resistant to change or uncertain about the goals and objectives outlined in the charter.
  • Balancing short-term and long-term goals: It can be difficult to strike a balance between setting short-term goals that are achievable and long-term goals that are aspirational.
  • Aligning the team charter with the overall business strategy: The team charter should be aligned with the larger business strategy and goals. This can be a challenge if there is a misalignment between the two.
  • Setting clear, measurable objectives: It is important to set clear, measurable objectives in the team charter. This can be challenging if the team is working on complex projects with multiple stakeholders.
  • Managing conflicts and differing opinions: Team members may have different opinions on the goals and objectives outlined in the team charter. It can be a challenge to manage and resolve conflicts that may arise.
  • Ensuring ongoing communication and review: It is important to regularly review and update the team charter to ensure that it remains relevant and effective. This can be a challenge if there is a lack of communication or if team members are not held accountable for meeting the objectives outlined in the charter.
To make it easier for you, we created a slide deck that you can use as a starting point to define your own CSM team charter.

Additional Resources

Customer Success Videos

Top CUSTOMER SUCCESS KPIs for Managing CSM Teams

How can Customer Success KPIs be used to track and measure the team's performance and efficacy of the customer success program? Watch this video!

Forming an Award Winning Customer Success team!

Would you like to know what it took to build an award-winning team from scratch? Watch this video!