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The Formula for a Successful CSM Account Reassignment

June 12, 2023

If you’ve been in the Customer Success profession long enough, you should have had the opportunity to be part of an account reassignment. Either on the receiving or the giving end. This is an inevitable […]

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CSM account reassignment handover
Customer Success Value management score

How to Prove Value to Customers

Video Title: How to Prove Value to Customers Host: Irit Eizips, Chief Customer Officer & CEO | CSM Practice Guest: Chris Singh, SVP Customer Success Management, Customer Engagement & Experience at SAP The Interview:  01:32 – […]

Proactive Customer Expansion Strategies

Proactive Customer Expansion Strategies

Every business needs to grow. However, business growth cannot be achieved by simply implementing upsell and cross-sell strategies. Ergo, imposing proactive customer expansion strategies can be beneficial not just for the customers, but ultimately for […]